Ummah Central

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Topics (3)

I. Duaa: etiquettes, how it affects al-qadr, the excellence of duaa, and so on

II. Tawheed: (always good to refresh!)

III. Diseases of the hearts and their cures

IV. Sabr and shukr: how to live a successful life

V. Trials and tribulations

VI. Importance of knowledge and to live as you teach (adorning knowledge with actions)

VII. Being a true slave of Allah (swt): the meaning of being a slave and what is expected from us.

VIII. Stories of the Qur’an and hadith: Various stories from the Qur’an and hadiths
Book to read: The Ideal Muslimah by Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi Can be read here:


1 comment:

  1. Changes has been made, on the timetable and the topics...
