Ummah Central

Saturday 16 June 2012

we face the tests in order to learn the lessons.

In school, we learn the lessons and then face the tests; whereas in life, we face the tests in order to learn the lessons.

في المدرسه نتعلم الدروس ثم نواجه الامتحانات ، وفي الحياه نواجه الامتحانات لنتعلم الدروس.

Goodness lies in the person

: الخير فيمن لا يرى لنفسه خيراً

‘Goodness lies in the person who doesn’t see goodness within himself.’

- Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal

when one slanders you

Ibn Qudamah (rahimahumullah) once said that when one slanders you, you should be thankful that he spoke something about you which was untrue, for there are many blemishes on your account which are true which Allah hid from the world.

Never skip a prayer

Never skip a prayer as there are millions in their grave wishing to come back to life, only to prostrate to Allah One more time.

indeed He is One

And He has a Sign in everything, Which shows that indeed He is One -
 وفي كل شيءٍ له آيةٌ *** تدل على أنه واحدٌ

and you remain unaware.

”The cloth from which your burial shroud will be cut may have already reached the market and you remain unaware.”

~ Imam Al-Ghazali

10 types of modesty by Ibn Qayyim al jawziyyah

Ibn-ul Qayyim (Rahimahullah) mentioned in his book Madarij us Saalikeen Vol. 2 Pg. 267 “Al Hayaa’ (i.e. modesty) is categorized into ten types:

The modesty of Shame: This is similar to the modesty of Adam (Alaihis salam) when he fled in paradise after eating from the forbidden tree. Allah asked him “Are you fleeing form me O Adam because of your sin?” He said: “No my lord! Rather it is out of shame that I flee from you!” 

The modesty that results in you realizing your shortcomings such as; the modesty of the angels, those who praise Allah day and night and never enervate. On the Day of Judgment they will say Subhanaka! (i.e. Glory be to You!) we did not worship You as You deserved to be worshiped.”

The modesty of Magnification: This modesty is a result of knowledge. The extent of knowledge the slave has of his Lord, will determine how modest or shy of Him he/she is.

The modesty of Generosity: This is similar to the modesty of the Prophet (Sallahu alaihi wa salam) with those people he invited to the walimah (i.e. marriage banquet) of Zaynab Bint Jahsh (Radiyallahu anha)and they stayed with him longer than necessary, so he stood up and walked away without saying to them “Leave!”.

The modesty of Embarrassment: This is similar to the modesty of Ali Ibn Talib (Radiyallahu anhu)when he was too embarrassed to ask the Prophet himself about the pre-seminal discharge he was experiencing, because he was married to his daughter.

The modesty of Low self-worth: This is similar to the modesty of the slave in front of his lord when he asks Him for his needs, knowing that he doesn’t deserve it. In a narration of Bani Israel Musa (Alaihis salam) said: “O lord, a need or desire of this life arises and I am too modest to ask You for it O lord!” So Allah responded to him by saying: “Ask me for what whatever you like, whether it is the salt for your dough or the fodder for your herd!” And it is possible that this is because of two things:

The modesty of Love: This is the modesty of the one who loves another, and when he thinks in his heart of the one he loves during his absence, his modesty for him is greater than what he feels for him in his presence and he doesn’t even know why. There is no doubt that the love of a person has a stronger and more magnificent authority over the individual than the authority of the one who conquers the body physically. And because of this, kings and elite authority wonder in amazement about creation and how they are conquered because of the love they have for someone greater than they are conquered by power and physical authority. We asked Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyah (Rahimahullah) about this issue, and I mentioned this to him and he just smiled and didn’t say anything.

The modesty of Servitude: This is the type of modesty that is mixed with love and fear while witnessing that there is no perfection in his worship or servitude to the One he worships. And the slave acknowledges that his Lord is greater and more opulent than what he is offering of worship, so his servitude to Allah causes him to be modest of Him, and there is no way around this.

The modesty of honor and dignity: The modesty of the noble and prestigious soul. if he does something that is beneath his caliber, either by exerting himself or doing some random act of good, he is modest despite what he has exerted of himself with a type of modesty that is honorable and dignified, and there are two reasons for this:

The modesty of an individual regarding himself: This is the modesty of the noble, honorable and dignified individual due to him being pleased with the fact that he has some shortcomings. He prostrates himself out of modesty as if he has two personalities. He is modest with one regarding the other and this is the most complete form of modesty.  If the slave is modest regarding himself then he is more likely to be modest in front of others.

“He who chases two birds, loses them both”

من يطارد عصفورين يفقدهما معآ

“He who chases two birds, loses them both”

Tuesday 12 June 2012

For you will soon see and hear what you worked

Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali,
 the grammarian who said:
و أحبب إذا ما أحببت حبّاً مقارباً *** فإنك لا تدري: متى أنت نازع
When you love, love with a love that draws you close
For you do not know: when will you depart?
و أبغض إذا أبغضت غير مجانب *** فإنك لا تدري متى أنت راجع
And when you hate, hate without turning away
For you do not know when you will return
و كن معدناً للحلم و الصْفح عن الأذى *** فإنك راءٍ ما عملت و سامع
Be a source of perseverance and forgive the harm
For you will soon see and hear what you worked

Sunday 10 June 2012

We find fault with the world, while the faults lie in our own selves

We find fault with the world, while the faults lie in our own selves.
The world is not at fault; except that we are full of flaws.
We make fun of the world for no reason,
But if others spoke about us, we were no better than be mocked at.
wolf does not eat the flesh of another of its kind,
But we eat the flesh of each other knowingly
We have worn the sheep’s clothing to deceive the people;
But woe unto the wild animal if it strays by us!
We have reduced religion to mere show and formalities.
And thus, we deceive those who look at us.

-Imam Shafi

If you speak, then consider your words

One writer said: 
“If you speak, then consider your words, articulate your speech and make clear what you intend; do not allow them to carry a number of meanings, and do not use words that may be misunderstood, or words that are ambiguous and will need further explanations and clarifications, for your opponent will not remember your explanation, and if his heart is diseased he will release your words and direct them where he pleases.”

- From the Fruits of Jihad. Public addresses on the da’wah and Jihad: Between Laxity and Extremism, by Abu Muhammad al Maqdisi

Indeed mountains are made up of small stones….

خَلِّ الذنوبَ صغيرَها و كبيرَها ذاكَ التُّقى

واصْنَع كَماشٍ فوقَ أرضِ الشّوكِ يَحْذَرُ ما يَرَى
لا تَحْقِرَنّ صغيرةً إنّ الجِبالَ منَ الحَصى

Abandon sins – big and small: that is Taqwa…
And be like a person walking one a land of thorns, cautious about what he sees…
Belittle not the small sins,
Indeed mountains are made up of small stones….

Friday 8 June 2012

Do not let the rooster be more intelligent than you are

My dear beloved son! It has been told in the will of Luqman (Peace of Allah be upon him) that he, advising his son in his will, said:

“Ya Buneyya La Takununnad Deeku Akyas Minka Fainnahu Yunaadi Bil Ashaari Wa Anta Na’imun.”

“My son! Do not let the rooster be more intelligent than you are. It shouldn’t happen that he (i.e. the rooster) gets up at the last part of the night to make proclamations [for Tahajjud prayers and remembers his Lord] while you keep sleeping [in a deep sleep of heedlessness, carelessness, and ignorance].”

This reality is made clear in the following verses (of poetry):

“Laqad Hatafet Fi Junhil Laili Hamamatun

‘Ala Funanin Wahnun Wa Inni Na’imun

Kazabtu Wa Baitil Allahi Lau Kuntu ‘Aashiqan

Lama Sabaqatni Bil Buqa’il Hamaaimun

Wa Az’amu Anni Haa’imun Zu Sababatin

Lahu Bi Wa La Abki Wa Tabkil Bahaaimun.”

“At night, the dove sitting on the branch [of a tree] is calling on [to its Lord]

While I am in a deep sleep

By the Lord of the House of Allah (Ka’aba)! I am a liar! If I had been a true lover [of Allah]

Then the doves would not have won over me in weeping [in the pain of separation from my Beloved (Allah)!

Alas! I do not even wet my eyes [with tears] while claiming to love [my Beloved Lord!]

While the animals keep weeping [in their love for their Creator].”

[Imam Ghazali - Ya bunaya]

I shall tell you four things

Sufyaan at Thauri (rh) said to Hadhrat Haatim (r.h.)
“I shall tell you four things which people generally are guilty of:
a) Criticizing and accusing people. This brings about negligence in the execution of Allah’s laws.
b) Jealousy for the progress of a Muslim. This leads to ingratitude.
c) Accumulation of haraam assets. This causes forgetfulness of the Aakhirah.
d) To become careless regarding the warnings of Allah Ta’ala and to lose hope in His promises. This lead to kufr

Seeking the pleasure of the people

There is no-one except that he has a lover and a hater. So if that must be the case, then you be with the people of obedience to Allaah ['azza wa jall]
Imam Ash-Shafi

O Abu Musa! Were you to strive with the utmost striving in order to please all of mankind, then there is no way of achieving that. So as that is the case, make your deed and intention purely for the sake of Allah ‘azza wa jall.
- Imam Ash-Shafi

A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri (rahimahullah):
‘The people sit around you so that they may find fault with you!’ So he said, ‘Indeed, I encouraged my soul to aspire for Paradise so it aspired for it. Then I encouraged it to aspire for salvation from Hellfire and so it aspired for it. Then I encouraged it to aspire for salvation from the people, but I didn’t find a way to that. Indeed the people were not pleased with their Creator although He provides for them, so how can they be pleased with another creation like themselves?’
Prophet Musa (’alayhisalam) said: ‘O my Lord, the people say things about me which are not (i.e. not true)! So Allah revealed to him: ‘O Musa, I did not make that (privilege) for Myself, so how can I make it the case for you?’
Malik ibn Dinar: ‘Since I have known (the reality of) people, I have not taken delight in their praise nor have I hated their criticism.’ It was said to him, ‘Why is that?’ He said, ‘The one who praises from amongst them is excessive and the critic from amongst them exaggerates!’
‘Aisha (radhiallahu `anha) wrote to Mu’awiya (radhiallahu `anhu): ‘Salamun ‘alayk. Amma ba’d, I have heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) say, ‘Whoever gains the Pleasure of Allah by the anger of the people (i.e. thereby gains their anger), Allah suffices him of the people’s troubles. And whoever gains the pleasure of the people by the Anger of Allah (i.e. in the process he gains His Anger), then Allah leaves him to the people.’ Wa-Salaamu ‘alayk.’

Seek out your heart

Ibn Qayyim (ra) said:
“When the slave wakes up as the night encloses him and his only concern is Allah and how to please and obey Him, then Allah takes it upon Him to fulfil all his needs and remove from him all that causes him anxiety. Allah also makes his heart free to love Him only, his tongue free to remember Him only, and his body free to serve Him only.
However, when a slave of Allah wakes up and the night encloses him and his main concern is the world, Allah will make him bear the burdens of its anxiety, grief and hardship. Allah will entrust him to his own self and He will make his heart busy, sealing it from His love since it will be preoccupied in the love of creation. Allah will keep his tongue from His remembrance because it will be engaged with His creation: his body will be kept from obedience since it will be enslaved by its desires and services. And he will toil like a beast of burden toils in the service of another. And all who turn away from the worship, obedience and love of Allah will be put into trial with the worship, service and love for creation.
Allah SWT says:
“And whosoever turns away (blinds himself) from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Allah) (i.e this Quran and worship of Allah), We appoint for him Shaytaan to be a Qarin (an intimate companion) to him” (43:36)
Ibn Qayyim continues to say, ”Seek out your heart in three situations first, when you are listening to the Quraan, when you are part of a gathering of remembrance and third, when you are alone and away from the world and its distractions. If you cannot find your heart in these situations, then ask Allah to bestow upon you a heart, for indeed you are bereft of one.”

من فوائد ابن القيم الجوزية
قال ابن القيم
إذا أصبح العبد وأمسى وليس همُّه إلا الله وحده، تحمل الله سبحانه حوائجه كلها،وحمل عنه كل ما أهمه، وفرَّغ قلبه لمحبته، ولسانه لذكره، وجوارحه لطاعته. وإن أصبحوأمسى والدنيا همُّه، حمَّله الله همومها وغمومها وأنكادها ووكله إلى نفسه، فشغلقلبه عن محبته بمحبة الخلق، ولسانه عن ذكره بذكرهم، وجوارحه عن طاعته بخدمتهموأشغالهم، فهو يكدح كدح الوحش في خدمة غيره، كالكير ينفخ بطنه ويعصر أضلاعه في نفعغيره. فكل من أعرض عن عبودية الله وطاعته ومحبته، بُلِيَ بعبودية المخلوق ومحبتهوخدمته. قال تعالى(وَمَن يَعْشُ عَن ذِكْرِ الرَّحْمَـنِنُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَاناً فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِينٌ) .
-الجاهل يشكوالله إلى الناس، وهذا غاية الجهل بالمشكو والمشكو إليه، فإنه لو عرف ربه لما شكاه،ولو عرف الناس لما شكا إليهم. ورأى بعض السلف رجلاً يشكو إلى رجل فاقته وضرورته،فقال: يا هذا، والله ما زدت على أن شكوت من يرحمك إلى من لا يرحمك، وفي ذلك قيل
وإذا شكوت إلى ابن آدم إنما
تشكو الرحيم إلى الذي لا يرحم
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (May Allah send His Mercy upon him) said:
“If the slave of Allah awakes to nothing but the concern about their relationship with Allah, then Allah will take on the responsibility of all their affairs and concerns. Allah will also unburden their heart for His love, their tongue for His remembrance and their limbs for His servitude. And if the slave of Allah were to awake and retire at night with the dunya being their only concern, then Allah will burden them with its worries and distress. Allah will then dispose of the servant’s affairs to theirself. In that way the servant’s heart will become preoccupied in the love of the creation rather than loving the Creator, the servant’s tongue will busy itself in the mention of others rather than in the remembrance of Allah and the limbs will be in the [futile] service of others. The servant, being in this state, resembles a mule that works tirelessly [in the service of its master] or similar to the bellows that blows its insides out and bends its ‘ribs’ in the service of others [not itself].”
The Imam concludes by saying, “Whoever objects to the servitude of Allah and His obedience will be afflicted with the slavery, devotion and service of the created”.

I advise you to adhere to the Quraan

Shu’bah and Qatadah related from Yunus bin Jubair, who said that he and his companions visited Jundub and said to him, “Give us some advice”. He replied:
“I advise you to fear Allah. I advise you to adhere to the Quraan – for it is light in the darkest of nights and it is guidance during the day. Apply it…and if a trial, such as poverty comes to you, give precedence to your religion over wealth. If that trial worsens, continue to put your religion before your wealth and your soul, for indeed the one who is destroyed is the one whose religion is destroyed; the one who is poor is the one who has lost his religion. Know that there is no poverty after Paradise and there is no richness after the Hellfire

Indeed mountains are made up of small stones….

خَلِّ الذنوبَ صغيرَها و كبيرَها ذاكَ التُّقى
واصْنَع كَماشٍ فوقَ أرضِ الشّوكِ يَحْذَرُ ما يَرَى
لا تَحْقِرَنّ صغيرةً إنّ الجِبالَ منَ الحَصى

Abandon sins – big and small: that is Taqwa…
And be like a person walking one a land of thorns, cautious about what he sees…
Belittle not the small sins,
Indeed mountains are made up of small stones….

You should abandon today

What you love to have with you in the Hereafter you should advance today, and what you hate to have with you, you should abandon today. – Salman ibn Dinar (radiAllahu anhu)

O time!

It is reported that the night before he was martyred, Husayn bin ‘Ali bin Abi Talib رضي الله عنهماsaid the following words:
أُوفِي لَكَ يَا دَهْرُ مِنْ خَلِيلِيكَمْ لَكَ بِيإِشْرَاقِي وَأَصِيلِيمِنْ صَاحِبٍ أَوْ طَالَبٍ كَفِيلِيوَالدَهْرُ لَا يَتْرُكُ بِالْبَدِيلِيإِنٌمَا الْأَمْرُإِلَى الْجَلِيلِيوَكُلُ حَيْئٍ مِثْلُ الْسَبِيلِي
“O’ Time! What an awful friend you are! For all those who have pursued you, you have killed them by day and night And you have always attained your target, And the time does not leave replacement for it,Verily all matters will go back to the Sublime One, And every person who is living will walk my path.”

more serious than the sin itself.

Abdullaah Ibn Abbas (radiallahu anhu) said:
You who commit a sin, do not feel secure about the results, for what goes along with the sin is more serious than the sin itself.
Your lack of shame before the angels, who witness you when you commit the sin, is more serious than the sin itself.
Your laughter when you sin, as you forget the punishment of Allah is more serious than the sin itself.
Your delight if you get a chance to sin, is more serious than the sin itself.
Even your disappointment, if you miss a chance to sin is more serious than the sin itself.

Some eyes are restless whilst others are in sleep

Some eyes are restless whilst others are in sleep
In meditating that which may or may not occur
So leave the worrying as much as possible
As carrying the burdens of anxiety is madness
There is your Lord, who provided you with the solutions to yesterday
And He will similarly provide for what is to come today
Let events flow in their predestined path
And do not sleep except with a clear mind
Between the period of a blinking of an eye and it’s opening
Allah changes things from one state to another
- Don’t be sad.

If you don’t praise him at least don’t dispraise him

قال يحي بن معاذ:ليكن حظ المؤمن منك ثلاثة
إن لم تنفعه فلا تضره
If you don’t benefit him at least don’t harm him
وإن لم تفرحه فلا تغمه
If you don’t make him happy at least don’t cause him sorrow
وإن لم تمدحه فلا تذمه
If you don’t praise him at least don’t dispraise him
-Yahya bin muadh

Not everything that a person wishes for, does he attain

ما كلُّ ما يتمنى المرءُ يدركه *** تجري الرياحُ بما لا تشتهي السفنُ

Not everything that a person wishes for, does he attain
The winds only blow in ways that ships do not desire

He will suffice you

إنَّ ربّا كفاكَ ما كان بالأمسِ *** ســيكفـــيـك في غدٍ ما يكونُ

Indeed the Lord who sufficed you of what was of yesterday
Will suffice you of what’s to come in the morrow

Whoever constantly looks to others dies depressed!

من راغب الناس مـــات هـمّــا *** وفاز باللذة الجـــســـور
Whoever constantly looks to others dies depressed!
It is the bold and daring who triumph with delight

Between their two prayers lies a gulf as [vast] as that separating Heaven from earth

“Someone who turns away in prayer, either with his eyes or his heart, is like a man whom the king summons and seats before him: just when the king starts to call out his name and addresses him, the man turns from him right and left, and his heart turns away. And since his heart is not present, he understands nothing of what the king says to him. What should this man expect from the king in return? At the very least, should he not expect to leave the palace – rejected, cast out and beneath consideration?
This worshipper is in no wise equal to the one whose heart is present, turned in prayer towards God and so aware of the Grandeur of the One before whom he stands that his heart is filled with awe, his head inclines and he would be ashamed before his Lord to face anyone else, or turn away.
About these two prayers, as Hassan bin ‘Atiya said: ‘Two men may offer prayer shoulder to shoulder, and yet between their two prayers lies a gulf as [vast] as that separating Heaven from earth. This is because one of them has his heart turned towards God, while the other is forgetful and heedless.’
Extract: The Invocation of God; Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya; page 26.

you must blame your soul

“People praise you for what they suppose is in you, but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.” ~ Ibn Ataullah

Nothing is difficult if you seek it through your Lord

“Nothing is difficult if you seek it through your Lord, Nothing is easy if you seek it through yourself.”
 Ibn Ata’allah

Do not be deceived...

Hatim Al-Asamm asserted,

“Do not be deceived by righteous places, for there is no place more righteous than Paradise, and consider what Adam [peace be upon him] met with in a righteous place!

And do not be deceived by abundant acts of worship, for consider what Iblis came to after so much worship.

And do not be deceived by large quantities of knowledge, for Balaam knew the Greatest Name of God, and consider what he met with!

And do not be deceived by meeting the pious, for there is no person with a greater destiny than Mustafa [may God’s blessing and peace be upon him], and meeting him did not benefit [some of] his relatives and enemies.”

- Risalah Qushayriyyah, Imam Abu-l-Qasim al-Qushayri

if you spend a day in solitude

Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) used to say:

إذا مَا خَلَوتَ الدَّهْرَ يومًا فلا تَقُلْ *** خَلوتُ ولكن قُلْ عليَّ رَقِيبُ
ولا تحْسَـبنَّ اللـهَ يَغْفِـل ساعَـةً *** ولا أنّ مَا تخفَي عَليه يَغِيبُ
ألم تر أنّ اليومَ أسْرعُ ذاهِبٍ *** و أنّ غداً للناظِرين قَريبُ

“If you spend a day in solitude, do not say
I spent it in solitude, but say over me is a Watcher

And do not think that Allaah is oblivious for even an hour
or that what you try to hide from Him is unseen

Do you not see that today is leaving fast
And that tomorrow for the onlooker is indeed near?

How many calamities have there been

'How many calamities have there been which were so severe and impossible to remove, yet within less than a single moment, they were lifted.' -Ibn Hibban

Thursday 7 June 2012

Today you find people become annoyed at this."

"We met a people who loved it when it was said to them "Fear Allah the most high! " Today you find people become annoyed at this."
Sufyan al-Thawri

Probing and seeking the faults of others is from the branches of hypocrisy

Abu Hatim: ‘Probing and seeking the faults of others is from the branches of hypocrisy just like thinking good of others is from the branches of faith. The intelligent one always has a good opinion of his brothers, and keeps his grief and sadness to himself. As for the ignorant one, he has evil opinion of his brothers and does not think about his crimes and distress.’

Whenever the sincerity of the slave of Allaah strengthens

Whenever the sincerity of the slave of Allaah strengthens, his worship becomes more complete.
 (Ibn Taymeeyah – 'al-Fatawa' 10/198)

They said, 'You've been disputed but yet you keep silent?'

ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah:

'What is surprising is that a person finds it easy keeping away from things like consuming the haram, oppression, adultery, theft, drinking alcohol and looking at the impermissible, but yet he finds it difficult to guard his tongue! It's such that you'll see a man who is viewed to be knowledgeable and is an ascetic worshipper but he speaks with words that bring the Wrath of Allah, without giving them a second thought… how often do you see a man who steers clear of evil sins and oppression but you see his tongue sever the honour of everyone – dead or alive, and he doesn't even care about what he says!'

He (rahimahullah) also said, 'Speech remains as a slave to you, but the moment it leaves your mouth, you become its slave.'

Hadith: 'Whoever keeps silent is saved.' [al-Tirmidhi, sahih]

Proverb: 'The patient one and the silent one never face regret.'

Sufyan used to say, 'Long periods of silent are the keys to 'Ibadah (worship).'

And Imam al-Shafi'i recited:

قالوا سكت وقد خوصمت قلت لهم *** إن الجواب لباب الشر مفتاح
They said, 'You've been disputed but yet you keep silent?'
I said, 'Indeed a response will only be a key to the doors of evil.'

A man once commented, 'Oh! How cold it is today!' So al-Mu'afa ibn 'Imran turned to him and said, 'Have you found any benefit now? (i.e. what did that statement do for you?). Had you remained silent, it would have been much better for you.'

asking Allah for Help on what pleases Him

Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
“I thought of the most beneficial supplication, and found it to be: asking Allah for Help on what pleases Him”.

the foolish one addresses me with words of disgrace

"The foolish one addresses me with words of disgrace, but I hate to respond to him in a similar manner. The more ignorant he proves, the more patient I become. Just like the incense; the more it's burnt, the more it releases its fragrance." 

(Imam ash-Shaafii)

Never do I argue with a man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong

Never do I argue with a man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong, or to expose him and win victory over him. Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently pray - O Lord, help him so that truth may flow from his heart and on his tongue, and so that if truth is on my side, he may follow me; and if truth be on his side, I may follow him." Imam Ash-Shafi'ee

I never gazed with my eyes, spoke with my tongue

Al Hasan Al Basri(rahimahullah): “I never gazed with my eyes, spoke with my tongue, used my hand or stood on my feet but after contemplating if it was in obedience or disobedience of Allaah. If it is in obedience, I would move forward. Otherwise, I would take a step back.”

[Ref: Jaami’ul Al-Uloomi wal-Hikaam

Don't cry on anyone's shoulders

Don't cry on anyone's shoulders, it is better to cry in Salah because Allah is counting your tears and He will not leave you empty handed that is for sure..

he would leave the audience, obey his mother, and then resume the lecture!

The following were collected by 'Abd al-Malik al-Qasim, in his book 'Birr al-Walidayn':

1 - Mujahid said:

"If the parents grow old and end up urinating and answering the call of nature on themselves, do not feel disgusted or say 'Uff' to them. Rather, remove the urine and feces from them, just as they used to do when you were young without feeling disgust in doing that for you."

2 - al-Husayn bin 'Ali narrated: 

"Had there been an act of disrespect (to the parents) less than saying 'Uff', Allah would have disallowed it as well." 

3 - al-Bayhaqi reports that Ibn 'Abbas said: 

"Allah opens two doors (to Paradise) for every Muslim that is dutiful to his (or her) two Muslim parents, awaiting the reward with Allah alone, and one door if he (or she) had one surviving parents to whom he was dutiful. Furthermore, if one makes his parents angry, then Allah will not be pleased with him until his parents forgive him."

He was asked: "Even if they were unjust to their child?" 

He said: "Even if they were unjust."

4 - Ibn al-Jawzi reports that Ibn Muhayriz said: 

"He who walks in front of his father will have fallen into disrespect of him, unless he walks in front of him to remove some harm from his way."

He also reports in his book 'al-Birr was-Silah': 

"Children, no matter how old they get, should not look their parents straight in the eye, walk in front of them, speak first when they are present, or walk to the right or left of them, unless they make such a request. Rather, children should walk behind their parents just as a servant would do with his master."

He also reports that when Nasr ibn Abu Hafidh al-Maqdisi travelled from Jerusalem to Iraq to learn with al-Kazaruni, a well-known scholar at that time, al-Kazaruni asked him: "Is your mother alive?" Nasr said: "Yes." al-Kazaruni asked: "Have you taken her permission?" Nasr said: "No." al-Kazaruni said, "By Allah! You will not learn from me until you go back to her so that her anger ends." Nasr went back to his mother in Jerusalem and remained with her until she died, then traveled to collect knowledge.

5 - Abu Bakr bin 'Ayyash said:

"I used to sit with Mansur in his house and I would hear his mother, who was loud and rude, shout at him, 'O Mansur! Ibn Hubayrah (governor of Iraq at that time) appointed you to the post of judge, but you refused!' Mansur would not even look her in the eye out of respect."

6 - When Haywah bin Shurih used to sit teaching the people, his mother would sometimes say to him: "O Haywah! Feed the chickens some barley," he would leave the audience, obey his mother, and then resume the lecture!

7 - at-Tirmidhi reports that the Prophet said: 

"The parent is the best among the doors of Paradise, so lose that door or protect it."

8 - Ibn 'Abbas said, when he was asked about the people of al-A'raf: 

"al-A'raf is a mountain between Paradise and the Fire. Those who will be kept at al-A'raf include some men who joined the Jihad without permission from their fathers and mothers and were martyred in the Jihad. Their death in the cause of Allah qualified them to be saved from the Fire, but their disobedience to their parents prevented them from entering Paradise. They will remain at al-A'raf until Allah decides in their case."

9 - The Prophet said: 

"No child can pay back his parents, unless he finds that his father is a slave, so he buys him and sets him free."

10 - Ibn al-Jawzi reported that al-Hasan said: 

"It is better for you to eat dinner with your mother, so that her heart is comforted, than to perform a voluntary Hajj."

11 - al-Hakim narrates that the Prophet said: 

"Allah delays the punishment for whatever sins He wills until the Day of Resurrection, except for disrespect and disobedience of the parents, for he rushes its recompense (in this life)."

12 - Ibn al-Jawzi reported:

During hot days, az-Zubayr ibn Hisham would taste the water he brought and if he found it to be cold, he would prefer his father with it and send it to him to drink.

He also reports that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, used to carry his mother so that she could answer the call of nature and bring her back when she was finished after she became old and blind.

13 - Zur'ah bin Ibrahim narrated:

A man came to 'Umar and said to him: "I have an old mother who is unable to go answer the call of nature, so I carry her on my back. I also help her perform ablution while turning my face away from her (out of respect). Have I fulfilled my duty towards her?" 

'Umar said, "No." 

The man said: "Even though I carry her on my back and exert myself in her service?" 

'Umar said: "She used to do the same for you when you were young, while hoping that you will live. As for you, you await when she will go away (die)."

Do good to your parents

Al-Safareeny wrote :
فقد روى الحاكم وقال صحيح الإسناد عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي أنه قال بروا آباءكم تبركم أبناؤكم

“Al-Haakim has narrated and said: “Its chain is Sahih“, on authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “Do good to your parents and your offspring shall do good to you.”

["Ghada'a Al-Albaab", 2/439]

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi: "My aspiration in this world..."

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi: "My aspiration in this world..."

مُنَايَ مِنَ الدُّنْيا عُلومٌ أَبُثُّهَا * وأنْشُرُهَا فِي كُلِّ بَادٍ وحَاضِرِ

دُعَاءٌ إلَى القُرْءانِ والسُّنَنِ التِي * تَنَاسَى رِجَالٌ ذِكْرَهَا في المَحَاضِرِ

وأَلْزَمُ أَطْرافَ الثُّغُورِ مُجَاهِداً * إذَا هَيْعَةٌ ثَارَتْ فَأَوَّلُ نَافِرِ

لأَلْقَى حِمَامِي مُقْبِلاً غَيرَ مُدْبِرٍ * بِسُمْرِ العَوالِي والرِّقَاقِ البَواتِرِ

كِفَاحاً مَعَ الكُفَّارِ فِي حَوْمَةِ الوَغَى * وأَكْرَمُ مَوْتٍ لِلْفَتَى قَتْلُ كَافِرِ

فَيَا رَبِّ لا تَجْعَلْ حِمَامِي بِغِيرِهَا * ولا تَجْعَلَنِّي مِنْ قَطِينِ المقَابِر

My aspiration in this world is to put forth knowledge,
And to spread it openly in every town and village;

Being one who is calling to the Qur'an and sunan,
That, in their gatherings, the men have forgotten;

And, as a Mujahid, on the farthest frontlines to stay,
If I am called forth, being the first to make my way;

With the clanking of weapons in the darkness, frequented by silence,
Clashing with the disbelievers, encircled by the violence;

Not turning back, facing my demise with my chest,
To be killed by a disbeliever is the youth's death noblest;

So, O my Lord, allow me not to die in any other way,
And use me not as a stuffing for the graves.

[Ibn Hazm's 'at-Talkhis li Wujuh at-Takhlis'; p. 57]

compete with sinners in seeking Allaah’s forgiveness" -

"If you don’t have the ability to compete with the pious in righteous deeds, compete with sinners in seeking Allaah’s forgiveness" -Ibn Rajab

My brother, walk on, and do not look back,

“My brother, walk on, and do not look back,
Your path has been dyed with blood (i.e. struggles).
Do not look about, neither here nor there,
And do not look except to the sky…”

- Sayyid Qutb (rahimahullah)

you have blocked its path with sins.”

Wahb bin Munabbih (rahimahullaah) also said,“He who supplicates without good deeds is like one who shoots an arrow without a bow.”

Some of the Pious Predecessors said,“How can the answer not be delayed when you have blocked its path with sins.”

A poet reiterated the same meaning saying:
“We pray to God in every distress,

And forget Him when our distress is lifted.

How can we hope that our prayer will be answered,

When we have blocked its paths with sins?”

Imaam Ibn Rajab |Jaami’ al ‘Uloom wal Hikam

regret with the water of tears

"Go out into the field of struggles and strive to sow seeds. Irrigate the tree of regret with the water of tears."
Ibn al-Qayyim 

Seek Rizq from Halal

Do the Deed of Heroes, Seek Rizq from Halal
-Sufyan al-Thawri

who was two masters, not knowing which one to please”.

Sahl Abi Al-Asad said:

مثل الذي يريد أن يجمع له الآخرة والدنيا مثل عبد له ربان لا يدري أيهما رضي

“The example of the person who wants both the dunya and the hereafter is like the example of a slave who was two masters, not knowing which one to please”.

["Kitaab Dham Ad-Dunya", 1/77].

a book was resting on my chest.”

Hassan Al-Lo’lo’i has said:

لقد غبرت لي أربعون عاماً ما قمتُ ولا نمت إلا والكتاب على صدري

“Forty years of my life have passed in which I never awoke or went to sleep except that a book was resting on my chest.”

["Jami Al-Bayan Al-Ilm wa Fadlih", 1231]

I am a beautiful lie and you are a painful truth"

Death asked Life:
"Why does everyone hate me but love you?"
To which Life replied:
"Because I am a beautiful lie and you are a painful truth"

Learn silence as you have learned speech

Learn silence as you have learned speech. Speech will guide you and silence will protect you.

When your brother is out of your sight

Sufyân ath-Thawrî (rahimahullâh) said, 
“When your brother is out of your sight, mention him as you would like him to mention you when you are out of his sight.”

Advice to Students of Knowledge

Advice to Students of Knowledge

Ibn Faris ar-Razi advised the Students of Knowledge saying:

If you are harmed by the Summer's Heat ,The distress of the Fall, and the Winter's Cold
And you are distracted by the Beauty of the Spring ,
Then your seeking of knowledge, when will it be? 

Reference: Al-Wafee bil Wafiyaat 7/183

Sit for a short while before you sleep and do this …

Sit for a short while before you sleep and do this …
Ibn al-Qayyim said, ‘Avoid those things that necessitate the punishment of the grave.

And from the most beneficial of them is that when a man wants to sleep, he sits for an hour, for the Sake of Allaah, calling himself to account over the things that he has lost and gained during that day of his. Then, between him and his Lord, he renews his sincere repentance over those things that he lost, and sleeps on that repentance, firmly resolving not to return to the sin when he wakes up–and he does this every night.

So if he dies on that night of his, he would have died upon repentance and if he wakes up, he will wake up going towards action, pleased with the postponement of his appointed time so that he can turn to his Lord and set right what he missed out on.

And there is nothing more beneficial for the servant than this sleep, especially when he follows that [i.e., his resolve to renew his repentance] up with the remembrance of Allaah, performing those sunnahs which have been reported from the Prophet of Allaah when going to bed, [doing so] until sleep overtakes him.

So whoever Allaah wishes good for, He will grant him the success to do that. And there is neither movement, nor power except through Allaah.”