Ummah Central

Wednesday 24 October 2012

As long as you are in this world

“As long as you are in this world, be not surprised at the existence of sorrows.”
— Ibn ‘Aṭā’illāh

secrets are revealed when one asks others for advice

Ibn Hibban: 

"The wise one has to know that secrets are revealed when one asks others for advice. He should therefore only consult the smart one, the sincere adviser, the loving and the religious."

(ar-Rawdhah, p. 192)

Monday 22 October 2012

Fear not the path of truth

“Fear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking on it.” 
— Arabic Proverb

If Allah strikes me with a calamity

If Allah strikes me with a calamity, I will thank Allah for four things:

1)That test was not in my deen.
2) The calamity could have been worse.
3) Its an expiation for my sins.
4) Any loss after loosing the messenger of Allah(Sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) is nothing.”

Umar ibn Al Khattab (Radhi Allahu anhu.)

If you correct your hidden deeds..

" If you correct your hidden deeds subsequently Allah will correct your outward deeds."

 - Ibn Taymiyyah ' Al fatawa 3/277

I love the saliheen

“I love the saliheen (pious people) even though I’m not one of them, and I hate the taliheen (evil people) even though I (may be) worse than them.” -Abdullah ibn Mubarak

[Siyaar a'lam an-nubalaa v. 8]

Do good to everyone without expecting much

Do good to everyone without expecting much. As an old proverb says: "Fragrances always cling to the hands of those who distribute roses"

I warn you of delaying and saying that i will do it later

One of our pious predecessors said: " I warn you of delaying and saying that i will do it later, for this is a phrase that prevents one from doing good and causes one to fall behind in deeds of righteousness"

Thursday 18 October 2012

If you want to benefit from the Qur’aan

“If you want to benefit from the Qur’aan, gather your heart when it is recited (try to understand it), focus your hearing, and act like you are being directly addressed by Allah.”
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimullah)

And You restored me, covered me and aided me

"....And You restored me, covered me and aided me
And enveloped me in Grace and Goodness
You are the One who gave me refuge and awarded me
And guided me from the confusion of disappointment and loss
And You have planted love for me between hearts,

And the inclination from You is by way of mercy and affection
And You have spread goodness out for me amongst the people
And You have hid my sin from their eyes
And You have made my reputation amongst the people widespread
Until You made them all my brothers
By Allaah, had they known the ugliness of my inner self,
Whoever met me would have refused to greet me
And they would have shunned me and be disgusted with my friendship
And I would have drawn on myself disgrace after honour
But You covered my faults and defects,
And You bore my sin and my tyranny
So all Praise is to You, and all commendations
With my thoughts, my limbs and my tongue."

[Nooniya al-Qahtaani]

The book is a companion

Al-Jaahiz, an Arab writer from centuries ago, advised one to repel anxiety through the reading of books:

"The book is a companion that does not praise you and does not entice you to evil. It is a friend that does not bore you, and it is a neighbor that causes you no harm. It is an acquaintance that desires not to extract from you favors through flattery, and it does not deceive you with duplicity

 and lies. When you are poring through the pages of a book, your senses are stimulated and your intellect sharpens... Through reading the biographies of others, you gain an appreciation of common people while learning the ways of kings. It can even be said that you sometimes learn from the pages of a book in a month, that which you do not learn from the tongues of men in a century. All this benefit, yet no loss in wealth and no need to stand at the door of the teacher who is waiting for his fees or to learn from someone who is lower than you in manners. The book obeys you by night as it does by day, both when you are traveling and when you are at home. A book is not impaired by sleep nor does it tire in the late hours of the night. It is the teacher who is there for you whenever you are in need of it, and it is the teacher who, if you refuse to give to it, does not refuse to give to you. If you abandon it, it does not decrease in obedience. And when all turn against you, showing you enmity, it remains by your side. As long as you are remotely attached to a book, it suffices you from having to keep company with those that are idle. It prevents you from sitting on your doorstep and watching those who pass by. It saves you from mixing with those that are frivolous in their character, foul in their speech, and woeful in their ignorance. If the only benefit of a book was that it keeps you from foolish daydreaming and prevents you from frivolity, it would certainly be considered a true friend who has given you a great favor."

A friend is the one

Yahya bin Mu’adh: 

“A friend is the one who you don’t have to remind to remember
you in his supplication, and that you don’t have to flatter and impress, and that you don’t have to apologize to.”

Through love thorns become roses

How can the heart travel to God

“How can the heart travel to God, when it is chained by its desires?”

— Ibn ’Arabi

Don't show pleasure in somebody's downfall

"Don't show pleasure in somebody's downfall, for you have no knowledge of what the future holds in store for you" - Ali bin Abi Talib rahimahullah

If you are on the way towards Allah

"If you are on the way towards Allah, then run. If it was hard for you, then jog. If you got tired, then walk. And if you can't, then crawl, and never stop or go back." -

Imam Ash-Shafi'ee rahimahullah

Regret over misdeeds erases them

"Regret over misdeeds erases them, and pride over good deeds ruins them" 

- Ali ibn Abi Talib

You are an ape in the form of a human

Ibn 'Uthaymeen wrote:

"As for the person who believes in it (evolution theory) , we say to him:

"You are an ape in the form of a human."

(al-Qawl al-Mufîd (2/245))

Learn [to perfect] your intentions

Yahya Bin Abee Kathir once mentioned:

"Learn [to perfect] your intentions, because your intentions will help you reach what your actions will never be able to reach."

Jaami'al Uloom wal-Hikam

The best of the words

"The best of the words is that which is confirmed by the best of the actions"

 - Ali ibn Abi Talib

Witness of those sins is the Judge Himself

"Fear the sins that you commit in secret, because the Witness of those sins is the Judge Himself" - Ali ibn Abi Talib Rabi al-Abrar (2/157)

..not to accuse your Lord

" True certainty of faith means not to accuse your Lord of any of the things that befall you"
- Sufyan At Thawree rahimahullah

..who sells Paradise

“How can he be rational who sells Paradise and what is in it for one hour of passing pleasure?”
– Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

They abandoned the dunya

'Verily, Allah has intelligent slaves 

They abandoned the dunya, and were cautious of its tribulations; 

They looked to it, and when they realized

That it is not an abode for those who are truly alive;

They made it a transitory station, and took

Righteous actions as a vehicle' 

-Imam Al-Shafie rahimahullah

Nobility of the heart

'Everything has a nobility in it, and the nobility of the heart is to be pleased with Allah' 
- Imam Ahmad rahimahullah

The most beneficial of lasting provisions

'The most beneficial of lasting provisions is the fear of Allah, and the most harmful provisions is the aggression' - Imam al Shafie rahimahullah

O my soul! It is not, except a few days of patience

Ibn Rajab – rahimahullaah – said: (1)

ولا بد للمؤمن من صبر قليل حتى يصل به إلى راحة طويلة…

…and it’s incumbent upon the believer to have a little patience in order to reach by way of it to a lengthy rest.

فإن جزع ولم يصبر فهو كما قال ابن المبارك

من صبر فما أقل ما يصبر ومن جزع فما أقل ما يتمتع

If he gets impatient then he is,
as has been said by Ibn al-Mubaarak:

Whoever exercises patience,
then how little is the patience he will have to exercise.
And whoever is impatient,
then how little is the enjoyment he will have.

:وكان الإمام الشافعي رحمه اللَه ينشد

يا نَـفـسُ مــا هِـــيَ إلاّ صَـــبـــرُ أَيّامِ

كَــأَنَّ مُـدَّتَــهـــا أَضــغــاثُ أَحــلامِ

يا نَـفْـسُ جـــوزي عَـنِ الـدُنــيا مُـبـادِرَةً

وَخَــلِّ عَـنـهـا فَـإِنَّ الـعَـيشَ قُــدامـــي

al-Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee – rahimahullaah -used to recite (the following verses of poetry):

“O my soul! It is not, except a few days of patience;
As if the extent were but a few dreams.
O my soul! Pass quickly on through this world;
And leave it, for indeed life lies ahead of it.” (2)


(1) From Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee’s book “Fadl ‘ilm as-Salaf” - The Excellence of the Salaf’s Knowledge.

(2) Translation of ash-Shaafi’ee’s – rahimahullaah – poem is taken from an article titled “The Yearning of the Pious for Paradise” –
al-Istiqaamah Magazine, Issue #2, Safar 1417 A.H.

O’ places of sincerity, where are your residents?

Imaam Ibn Jawzee (rahimahullaah):

How excellent are the people who have abandoned sweet dreams, withdrawing from that for which they erected their feet for. 

Standing up to fatigue themselves in the dark, seeking a portion of the blessing. When the night comes they stand up, and when the day arrives they derive lessons from it. 

When they look at their faults they seek forgiveness, and when they think about their sins they cry and feel dejected. 

O’ dwelling of the beloved, where are your inhabitants?
O’ places of sincerity, where are your residents?
O’ spot of the pious, where are your people? 
O’ places of nightly prayer, where are your visitors?

I have, by Allaah, traveled around and found these people extinct. Those who used to stay awake at night have gone away and the lovers of sleep are left.

These times have sought eating the lust to replace fasting.

Be content with Allah’s will

Let the days pass as they will
Be content with Allah’s will.
Do not regret what this day’s cast,
For this world’s pains for sure won’t last.
Be a man against fears strong,
Be kind and loyal, all life long.
If in folk’s eyes your faults abound,
And you wish that they be gowned:
Then shelter seek beneath kind acts,
For kindness well all blame retracts.
From enemies hide your weakness
For gloating foes do bring distress.
From misers never seek favor:
In fire there is no water.
Patience won’t reduce income,
Nor fretfulness increase the sum.
Neither pain nor joy shall last,
Nor poverty, nor riches vast.
But if your heart is satisfied
Then you do own the whole world wide.
A man on whom his fate alights
No depths shall save, nor any heights.
Allah’s earth is wide, but know,
That destiny makes it narrow.
Face each day on even keel.
There’s no balm from death can heal.

[Imam al-Shafi`i]

The tongue is a great endowment from Allah

‎"The tongue is a great endowment from Allah; though small in size, its crime is enormous." - Imam Ghazali rahimahullah

When I desire to talk to Allaah

"When I desire to talk to Allaah, I make Du'aa and
when I desire for Allaah to talk to me, I read the Qur'an."

-Ali ibn Abi Taalib

The Dunyah is a traitor; a liar

Imam Al-Rifa described dunya :

The Dunyah is a traitor; a liar. It tricks its adherents.

Those who lean away from it are safe from it but,

Those who lean towards it will be inflicted with its calamities.

It is like a snake, with a smooth touch and a deadly poison.

Its moments of pleasure vanish quickly and,

Its days pass like a fragment of the imagination.

So occupy yourself with acts of obedience to Allah and,

Do not neglect to evaluate your deeds.

No one conceals something in his heart

"No one conceals something in his heart, but Allah causes it to be seen on his face or in a slip of the tongue."

- Uthman ibn Affan (r.a)

Hearts are like vessels

“Hearts are like vessels for which lips are the seals and tongues are the keys.. So keep the keys to your secrets safe..”

~ ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ~

Be like a flower

"Be like a flower, that gives its fragrance even to the hand that crushes it" - Ali ibn Abi Talib (r.a)

Monday 8 October 2012

Remembrance of Allaah

'In this world, man finds remembrance of Allaah, praising Him and worshipping him, a delight that is incomparable to anything else. '
-Ibn Taymiyyah (Minhaj as-Sunnah, 5/389)

Forgiveness is more beloved to God than vengeance

Ibn Qayyim said, “Forgiveness is more beloved to God than vengeance; mercy is more beloved to Him than punishment; acceptance is more beloved to Him than wrath; and grace is more beloved to Him than justice.”

Despair not from your Lord's Mercy

Despair not from your Lord's Mercy,
If He had wished that you reach the Hell Fire eternally,
He would not have inspired your heart towards Him.'

- Imam Shafi'ee (ra)

Drive away your distress by being pleased with Allah's decree

Drive away your distress by being pleased with Allah's decree for however long the night may be, it will (surely) be followed by dawn' - Abu Darda (radiAllahu anhu)

,,you must first be patient with what you hate

'To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.' - Imam al-Ghazali

Friday 5 October 2012

You will gain nothing from your prayer

Ibn Abbas said: " You will gain nothing from your prayer except the parts where you had focused"

If you can not be of benefit to the muslims, then do not harm them

'If you can not be of benefit to the muslims, then do not harm them; if you can not make them happy, then do not make them sorrowful; if you cannot please them, then do not abuse them; and if you can not praise them, then do not disparage them' - Yahya bin Muadh

till even patience tires of my patience

“I’ll be patient, till even patience tires of my patience.” - Ali ibn Abi Taalib

Allah sees your concerns and worries

Malik ibn Dinar once said, "Allah sees your concerns and worries, so look to what your concerns and worries are, may Allah have mercy on you." [Rawdhat al-'Uqala']

It's better to keep your mouth closed

'It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are fool than to open it an remove all doubt' - Mark Twain

A woman can hide her love

“A woman can hide her love for 40 years, but she cannot hide her hatred for more than an hour.” - Ali ibn Abi Taalib

Why are those people who pray the night prayer so beautiful?

Hassan al-Basri was once asked “Why are those people who pray the night prayer so beautiful?” He responded “Because Allah beautifies them with His light while others are sleeping in the dark.

Wise men speak

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” - Plato

The more the servant loves his Master

' The more the servant loves his Master, the less he will love other objects and they will decrease in number. The less the servant loves his Master, the more he will love other objects and they will increase in number' - Ibn Taymiyyah (ra)

A man dreams of a perfect wife

"A man dreams of a perfect wife whilst a woman dreams of a perfect husband yet they don't realise that they've been created to complete one another."

Prayer brings provision

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said:
'Prayer brings provision, keeps health and prevents harm, expels illnesses, strengthens heart, whitens face, delights the soul, protects from laziness, activates the body, gladdens the heart, nourishes the soul, enlightens the heart, maintains the grace, prevents the curse, brings the blessing, taking you away from Satan and getting you closer to the Ever Merciful..'

if people are impressed with you

'Know that if people are impressed with you, in reality they are impressed with the beauty of Allah's covering of your sins' - Ibn al-Jawzi....

Monday 1 October 2012

It's better to keep your mouth closed

'It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are fool than to open it an remove all doubt' - Mark Twain

reckoning the number of idle words

“People count with self satisfaction the number of times they have recited the name of God on their prayer beads, but they keep no beads for reckoning the number of idle words they speak.”
— Imam Ghazali

which is done for Allah

"Only that which is done for Allah lasts forever."
- Ibrahim ibn Adham 

ته‌نها ئه‌و شته‌ی که‌ بۆ خودا ئه‌نجام ده‌درێت تاسه‌ر ده‌مێنێته‌وه‌
ئیبراهیمی کوڕی ئه‌دهه‌م

You will gain nothing from your prayer

Ibn Abbas said: " You will gain nothing from your prayer except the parts where you had focused"