Hasan al-Basri (rahimahullaah):
“I saw a people from the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) saying:
‘Whoever acts without knowledge, then that which he corrupts and ruins is greater than that which he sets aright. The one who does deeds without ‘ilm is like a traveller without a path, so seek knowledge with such a seeking that does not harm ‘ibaadah (worship) and seek (to perform) ‘ibaadah such that it does not harm ‘ilm.
And a man from amongst them would seek knowledge until it was readily seen from his khushoo’ (humbleness), his zuhd (asceticism), his speech and sight.”
[Siyar A’laam al-Nubalaa’]
al-Khatib al-Baghdaadi
‘To the `aalim, ignorance is seen as ignorance and to the jaahil (grossly ignorant), knowledge is seen as ignorance.’
Kitaab al-Faqih wa'l-Mutafaqqih, I, 3
It is reported from Al-Awzaa’i – may Allaah have Mercy on him – that he said:
I have been told that it used to be said, “Woe to those who study [their religion] for a purpose other than worship, and those who seek to permit what is forbidden through doubts and specious arguments.”
Al-Khatteeb Al-Baghdaadi, Iqtidaa Al-‘Ilm Al-‘Amal, p77.
“I saw a people from the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) saying:
‘Whoever acts without knowledge, then that which he corrupts and ruins is greater than that which he sets aright. The one who does deeds without ‘ilm is like a traveller without a path, so seek knowledge with such a seeking that does not harm ‘ibaadah (worship) and seek (to perform) ‘ibaadah such that it does not harm ‘ilm.
And a man from amongst them would seek knowledge until it was readily seen from his khushoo’ (humbleness), his zuhd (asceticism), his speech and sight.”
[Siyar A’laam al-Nubalaa’]
al-Khatib al-Baghdaadi
‘To the `aalim, ignorance is seen as ignorance and to the jaahil (grossly ignorant), knowledge is seen as ignorance.’
Kitaab al-Faqih wa'l-Mutafaqqih, I, 3
It is reported from Al-Awzaa’i – may Allaah have Mercy on him – that he said:
I have been told that it used to be said, “Woe to those who study [their religion] for a purpose other than worship, and those who seek to permit what is forbidden through doubts and specious arguments.”
Al-Khatteeb Al-Baghdaadi, Iqtidaa Al-‘Ilm Al-‘Amal, p77.
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